
Club Shoots

Club Shoots take place out at the club at convenient times throughout the week.

Check the Calendar

Results from these weekly competitions count towards an annual club championship for each event. The club shoot is also a convenient time for new shooters to come out to the club and have a look and even have a shoot with us.

Note: Shooters should arrive 30 minutes prior to start times.

Prize Shoots

Prize Shoots are hosted at our club during the year that attract competitors from right around Queensland and Australia.

Dates for 2025 are as follows:

  • 7th, 8th and 9th March: Central Regional ISSF Pistol Championships
    Program end Entry Form

  • 28th and 29th June: Maryborough Rifle Championships

  • 18th and 19th October: Maryborough Masters Games

A prize shoot is also a great time for new shooters or people interested in shooting to come out to the club and see some top level competition shooting.